Monday 30 November 2009

Cover Analysis-Bon Jovi The Circle (Sharoze Tallat)

When you look at the cover of The circle by Bon Jovi what you first notice is the actual picture they have used. It is off the band walking through a circular tunnel, which straight away relates to the title of the album the circle. However because of the fact that the tunnels start small and gets bigger it makes it seem that the circles are sound waves coming from the band which are right in the middle of the picture, showing the loud nature of their music.
Also the fact that there is a lot of light coming from the start of the tunnel highlights the band, which is shown in slight silhouettes, to the audience. This attracts the audience’s eyes straight away to the band members, and those who are big fans of the band will notice them straight away and realises whose album this is. Also when you look at the album you see that it uses many dark colours such as black and grey, to signify the rock and metal nature of the music. This is then juxtaposed with the white colour which can signify pureness, which could means that the band has gone back to their roots with their new album.
Finally the title is superimposed on the top of the album cover because that is usually one of the first places a person looks at when they look at an album, so it is an excellent place to put the title of the album and band. Also the fact that the top of the album cover fades to black and the text is white makes the title stand out to the audience. So they know straight away whose album it is.
What I believe the best points of this album cover is the use of editing and construction of the picture, as one simple picture signifies the type of music as well as the album name and the band. This is something that we are hoping to achieve since we hope to use just one well shot picture.

Cover Analysis- Bloc Party A Weekend in the City (Sharoze Tallat)

When you first look at the cover for A Weekend in the City by Bloc Party, the first thing that you notice is the actual picture used. Unlike many album covers it consists of only one picture of an urban area with a basketball pitch overshadowed by a motorway. This picture seems very striking and intriguing for the listener because these kinds of places are hard to find, this picture being from Sweden. Combined with the use of harsh lighting in the picture reflects the type of music to the listener. While this is a rock music album, it has a techno overtone, this is reflected in the picture, with the motorways pictured symbolises the music’s fast nature, as motorways are always pictured with fast moving cars. This then juxtaposed with the harsh lighting forces the issue of fast moving music as lights such as these can be associated with raves etc which once again signifies the music’s techno nature.
The name of the band and title of the album are superimposed on the top left of the album cover, which is the darkest part of the picture, combined with the fact that the text is white makes sure that it stands out to the audience. So that when someone picks up the album they will notice the name straight away. Also the fact that the use a recurring font means that the audience realise, if they are a fan, whose album it is straight away.
What I believe the unique selling point of this album is their use of picture which is very unique and striking attracting the audience’s eyes towards it.

Cover Analysis - Linkin Park Hybrid Theory (Sharoze Tallat)

While Goodwin’s theory covers actual visual forms of media, I believe that it also covers ancillary products such as CD covers and magazine adverts. Specifically the rule which states that the media form reflects the style of music and/or lyrics. I believe this is the case for the album cover of Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park. When you look at the cover you see that the there is a picture made in graffiti on a metal surface. This, along with the title of the album, signifies the type of music on the album. Linkin Park are known for the mix of urban and rock music which is signified by the graffiti (urban music) on top of the metal (rock music).
The colours used for the album cover are also very dark to show that this is a serious band, with serious songs. Unlike pop albums which use very bright colours to show their type of music. The red which the main character is painted in indicates the intensity of the music to the listener. This is contrasted by the use of white coloured dragonfly wings to indicate the softer side of the music. The album is also covered with lyrics of their songs, which is once again used to outline the albums urban style.
The name of the band is superimposed right in the top middle so that the audience’s eyes are attracted to it straight away. Once again the fact that it is in black suggest the dark nature of the music and the lyrics.
I believe what is excellent about the album cover is that the whole cover reflects the type of music it holds and the name of the album hybrid theory. All of the pictures and colours are used to get the message across to the listener of what the music is like.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Shot List

This is going to be our shot list based on the storyboard that we have created. However during the duration of the construction of our music video this is subject to change.

1. Extreme Close-Up
2. Medium Shot
3. Low Angle Close-Up
4. Low Angle Medium Shot
5. High Angle Close-Up
6. Low Angle Medium Shot
7. Medium Shots
8. Close-up - zoom out- Medium Shot
9. Canted Medium Shot on Dolly
10. Close-Up
11. Long Shot
12. Close-up
13. High Angle Close-Up
14. Long Shot
15. Close-up - reverse zoom- Long shot
16. Low Angle Medium Shot

17. Medium Shot
18. Handicam Close-Up
19. Medium Shot
20. Canted Extreme Close-Up
21 High angle Long Shot
22. Extreme Close-Up
23. High Angle Long Shot
24. Over the Shoulder Shot
25. Close-Up
26. Extreme Close-up
27. Close up - Zoom - Extreme Close-Up
28. Extreme Close Up
29. Over the Shoulder Shot

1. Establishing Shot
2. Close-Up
3. Low Angle Close-up
4. Medium Shot
5. Depth of Field
6. Canted Close-up
7. Point of View
8. Extreme Close-Up

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Band Storyboard

In these storyboards are the different types of band shot that we will use in our video. These will not be in this order, they will infact be scattered around the narrative storyboard, which is shown in previous blogs. The order begins from the bottom due to the way the images are uploaded.


Narrative Storyboard Continued

The order begins from the bottom due to the way the images are uploaded.

Narrative Storyboard

Here are the storyboards of our music video. The order begins from the bottom going upwards because of the way it is uploaded, we will upload the rest on the next couple of blogs.


Tuesday 24 November 2009

Prop List

Here is a list of Props that we will need during the creation of our video:

Mime Mask
Mime Costume
Make-up (face paint in white, red, green and black)
Messenger Bag
Base Guitar
Drum Kit
White Sheet (background)

Monday 23 November 2009

KillSwitch Engage original music video

This is Killswitch Enagage's oringinal video, as you can see we have changed and stepped away from this idea hugely. We have put our own twist on the song and video.

Advert Design

For our magazine advert we have decided that we should use some optical illusions, to complement the videos surreal atmosphere, specifically we have decided that we will use the images in which you stare without blinking and once you stare at a blank paper it appears when you blink. Below is the original illusion:

Monday 16 November 2009

Preliminary CD Cover Designs

These are preliminary designs for our Cd cover. Since we have to create a CD cover to go alongside our music vdieo, we decided to make some hand drawn pictures of what kind of cover we want these being pictures of our first designs

Matt Profile Pictures

Continuity is vital in a music video so that it looks proffesional. We knew that it would be a bit more challenging for us since we were using make-up in our music video on the main characters. So on the first day of filming we decided to take some profile shots of the make-up so that we could apply it correctly through the various other scenes

Matt Ancillary Pictures

We decided that we should take some profile pictures of the main character, which could come in useful later in our ancillary texts.

Filming Photos Continued

Filming Photos Continued

Filming Photos

There are some images of us filming in the boiler room (that we had scouted before)the solo guitar scenes for our music video.

Monday 9 November 2009

Stereophonics 'Superman' Analysis Stuart Smith

The Stereophonics are a rock/slow rock group and their videos are typically very soft rock and always have a strong emphasis on the bands image and doesn't follow any real narrative or story line. However in this particular video they follow a rock style narrative of following the group at a gig, the director and throws in a very interesting concoction of hand held and tripod based shots.

In our video we knew we wanted to use some sort of filter and effects but didn't really know what we wanted, i knew that this video uses a very interesting use of coloured filters as well and some very low key shots, this was something we will be taking note of as we have very limited lighting and the controlled use of low key lighting will ensure all of the shots have the similar amount of light.

The impact of fast editing in this videos adds a dramatic and fast pace nature of the narrative. this video emphasizes the superiority of the band over its audience this is shown by the low angle shots as well as the different levels of focus on the band compared to the audience. In all this video creates a gripping and easy to follow narrative which is synchronised with the ethos that surrounds the song and the band its self.