Monday, 9 November 2009

Stereophonics 'Superman' Analysis Stuart Smith

The Stereophonics are a rock/slow rock group and their videos are typically very soft rock and always have a strong emphasis on the bands image and doesn't follow any real narrative or story line. However in this particular video they follow a rock style narrative of following the group at a gig, the director and throws in a very interesting concoction of hand held and tripod based shots.

In our video we knew we wanted to use some sort of filter and effects but didn't really know what we wanted, i knew that this video uses a very interesting use of coloured filters as well and some very low key shots, this was something we will be taking note of as we have very limited lighting and the controlled use of low key lighting will ensure all of the shots have the similar amount of light.

The impact of fast editing in this videos adds a dramatic and fast pace nature of the narrative. this video emphasizes the superiority of the band over its audience this is shown by the low angle shots as well as the different levels of focus on the band compared to the audience. In all this video creates a gripping and easy to follow narrative which is synchronised with the ethos that surrounds the song and the band its self.

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