Saturday, 5 December 2009

Coldplay Advert Analysis - Sharoze Tallat

This is the advert for the Coldplay album X&Y. The first thing that you notice is that it is sperated into two parts. The first part at the top contains an image of the band. This is very important for the record label as stated in Andrew Goodwin’s theory as he states “The demands of the record label will include the needs for lots of close ups of the artist" while it is not close-ups it is the same principle as this allows fans to recognize the band members and straight away they are interested in the advert.

The second half of the advert contains all of the information as said in the Uses and Gratifications theory. This is so that the audience nows about everything so that they could buy the album, thus explaining the content. Firstly the have the name of the band and album in a large, bold and white font (in front of a black background) so that is stands out more and the audience notice it straight away. It is the same with the release date because the audience need to know when it is out so that they can buy it, which is why one again it is in white so that it stands out from the black background. It also has an image of the album cover on it, which is something that we specifically want to include in ours. this is because if you have an image of the album cover it makes it easier for the audeicne to recognize and find it rather than have to research in it,so they could purchase it quicker.

However if they do want to do some research the website is also displayed at the bottom so that the audience go onto the website and if they are a first time fan they can do research on the band and decide if they want to buy the album.The last piece of information on it is for the record label, this is so that they can have some recognition however if for example the audience like the artists on the specific label such as EMI than they wil take more notice.

Finally if you look at the colour scheme the blacks and greys connotate a very metallic/techno feel to the album which is something that i believe the band is trying to achive when you look at the album title X&Y plus the album artwork being digital. This is strange since the album is a rock album it indicates to the audience that this could be something new or a fusion of music, so if there are people that like that type of music they will be attracted to it more.

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