Saturday 5 December 2009

Paramore Advert Analysis - Sharoze Tallat

This is the advert for the new Paramore album Brand New Eyes. As you can see the advert has a very distinct style from others. It has its on niche style, the image is of a wooden background with various pictures and notes stuck on to make the poster, what this does is that it gives the poster a very unformal feel to it. It gives is the feel of a pure band, down to earth which is something that as the Uses and Gratifications Theory states, people could relate to. The poster is made from very bland colours which connotate the type style of the lyrics in the music, it is the opposite to one that would have intense colours such as red and black which indicate intense and in your face lyrics.

Also as stated in the Uses and Graatifications Theory you have to offer Information, which is very important in a poster. On this poster they have band name right at the top left in the albums signiture style so that it is easy to recognize. the font is dark and is juxtaposed with the bright background so that it stands out, it is the same with all of the other pieces of information with the text being darker than the background so it is easier to recognize. Since this advert is made after the album came out instead of the date they have the text "out now" however it is the same effect as the audiece know that it has been released and can buy it. They also have the album name but use the phrase "your favorite" this makes it inclusive for the audience and they feel part of a community because it is talking to them. They also have a form of synergy on the advert as they have put a special feature on it which supplies you with a number to text and get a ringtone, which advertise it in another way, as if the band is unknown to you, you straight away have a chance to find out about their music. Then they have a massive image of the band on the advert which links to Andrew Goodwin’s theory as he states “The demands of the record label will include the needs for lots of close ups of the artist" this is so that the band can be recognized by the fans as they are trying to sell the band more than the music. The other picture that they have is of the actual album cover, this is so that the audience have the information and can ecognize the album online or instore so that they can buy it straight away rather than have to reserach what it looks like, this way they also remember, so if they see the advert with the cover and see the album instore they remeber that it belongs to this band, however if he didn't see it he wouldn't have realised it. Finally they have the record labels at the bottom so that they can have some recognition but in terms of the audience so that they now which label it is and if they like the music they could look at more artists signed to the label and thus the label company make more money.

Finally the other uses and gratification you have on this is of social interaction as you can go around giving your friends the text so that they can download the song as well and it spreads the word of the album and advertises it through synergy.

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