Monday 14 September 2009

Biffy Clyro - Living is a Problem Because Everyone Dies

The video represents the darker side of the band, this has been represented by the dark colour's and dime lighting used. The only lights being used in this video are small orange tinted spotlights aimed at the member of the band, the light is placed at the end of a tunnel with band members closer to the camera making the tunnel seem darker deep and distant.

The costumes used are all plain coloured T shirts, shirts and trousers, all black assosiating with the darkness of the video. The only time costume changes is when the lead singer of the band has close ups of just himself without the band, in these shots he is topless, due to this the viewer can see the tattoos on his body. The other times there are close ups of the instruments, these shots have a duration of roughly two seconds each, when in comparison to the other shots last much longer, maybe double this. These shots work well as the whole video is a performance piece, with these slow motion snips of fast paced playing the tempo of the song is juxaposed with these yet it works extremely well.

Due to the content of the video this connects with the song extremely well as the song itself pourtrays the bands anger and in some ways sadness, so due to the content in this video both music and video has been accoupanied extremely well.

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