Monday, 14 September 2009

Why a Music Video?

We were given a choice between producing either a short film or a music video. As a group consisting of four students, we collectively decided to go down the music video route.

The reason behind this choice is is that we thought the music video would allow us to show our technical and creative abilities. where as the short films success is dictated by the actors performances and a well written story line, music videos are dictated by the themes and camera work, editing and effective mise-en-scene which we feel is more our strengths as a group of producers/directors.

We believe that the music video will allow us to explore a more innovative aspect of camera work and angles because whilst short films are shaped by their genres conventions, music videos give us the freedom to manipulate conventions. We also feel that the music videos fast paced nature will enable us to discover and possibly create new methods of filming and editing techniques such as lighting.

Finally since we produced a film opening last year we felt more passionate to try our hand at something new, in this case a music video.

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