Tuesday 15 September 2009

Location Scouting (Day 1)

In today's lesson we decided to carry out some risk assessments and recces on certain locations that we could turn into or use as a set for part of our production. We only carried out recces on locations within our school site, such as various boiler rooms and certain parts of roof space.
However after analysing other students music videos we want to branch out from using school locations,we feel that the use of school locations unless intended to be a school locations can only ever be school locations. we were able to find aspects of our school that could be potential sets on the other hand we have agreed to look elsewhere before making final decisions on locations.

we have uploaded with this Post pictures of one boiler room located under our school. we are taking this location in consideration because its original layout and dingy lighting would be very easy to transform into an effective setting for either a 'Solo' location for a band member, whilst taking into consideration the mise en scen required in the transformation we decided that if we were to use the boiler rooms we wouldn't really add to the scenery but change the levels of lighting and would most definitely create some form of chiaroscuro lighting.

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